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We believe it is important to do God’s work on purpose and with intention. It is not enough to wait for opportunities. We must prayerfully seek them. Therefore, we utilize several committees and our deacons to keep us focused. Our focus includes evangelism, worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and missions.

We believe it is so important to share the good news of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is presented in our worship services, we have a visitation program and we encourage our members to share the Gospel in their daily lives through their actions, witness, words and more…

We believe our response to God’s goodness should include praise, worship and thanksgiving. We participate in "Current," a community wide contemporary worship service held Sunday evenings at the Emmanuel Center. Like most churches, though, our most important time of worship is our Sunday morning service where our goal is offer to God our sincere and authentic worship. This service includes congregational singing of traditional hymns, praise team led worship, special music presentations by soloists and groups, instrumental music, prayer, Scripture reading and more…

We believe strong fellowship is a crucial part of being a church. We are, after all, one body and we need each other for strength, encouragement and love. We celebrate special occasions together including Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Homecoming, our Annual Church Picnic and more…

We believe we must grow in order to answer God’s call to be His and to serve Him.  We need spiritual maturity, wisdom and knowledge. Therefore, we have Sunday School classes for all ages, E-Club on Sunday afternoon for children, Discipleship Training on Sunday evening, Bible study and prayer on Wednesday evening and more…

We believe Christ called us to love our neighbor. We support ministries to meet the needs in our community including the Ministerial Association and Christian Social Service Center. We also support organizations like Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child) and Sunrise Children's Home. When need arises, we also respond with a helping hand, words of encouragement, prayer and more…

We believe our call is not just to grow this church but to reach out to the community and all the world. Our women meet together to learn about missions, pray for our missionaries and financially support missions work through the Women’s Missionary Union. Our men do the same through the Brotherhood. We have opened the "Emmanuel Center," a community center where a variety of outreach programs take place including "E-Club" for children, a community wide contemporary worship service called "Current," and a Christian based exercise group. We also support and receive special offerings for missionaries in our state, nation, foreign countries and more…

We believe it is important to celebrate the unique gifts and opportunities of the members of our church. We have the Young at Heart Ministry that is geared to the senior adults in our church. We also have Youth Committee that focuses on the needs of our youth. Our goal is to encourage those who have special opportunities, gifts, talents and more…
